Wednesday 14 July 2010

Lace shawl #1: Part 1

Over the past few months, as I've attended various knitting groups, I've noticed people doing some beautiful things in lace. Some people seem to knit lace almost exclusively. So, I decided to try it out for myself...

I picked a relatively simple pattern in the sense that it didn't include any instructions I wasn't already familiar with. The most complex stitch is probably the ssk, and I had already done that!

After the edging, the pattern is a 27-row sequence, repeated three times.

This is a really lovely, delicate, and above all simple shawl to knit and you get a magical scalloped effect along the sides which is really beautiful. It's 300 stitches long, but it only took me a week and a half to get through half of it. And then...well, I dropped my pattenr on the Tube and wasn't able to knit it for a few days until I could print another. And I completely lost my momentum so that in the past two weeks I have only knitted about five rows. Disgraceful, isn't it? However, I need the needles for another project I intend to start before the month is out, so I shall be returning to my dancing cranes very soon!

Almost forgot, it's called the dancing cranes stole and is free on

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